Friday, July 22, 2016

The Highest Calling

The Highest Calling. What does this mean, the highest calling? It means the highest is calling. Rising to a view above the fray. Not settling in the mouth or the genital f you or the fist. Opening to the highest. The highest is a streaming of energies circulating from the crown down through the intellect, through the heart, through the feet to the earth and back up again. This is our spiritual body, our energy body. The highest is calling, needed now more than ever. Inclusive, open, undaunted.

Monday, July 18, 2016


This morning I read from the first chapter of Genesis in both the Chumash (and its commentary) and in the King James translation of the Bible, from the opening lines of the Quran (and its commentary), and from Red Pine's introduction to his translation of the Diamond Sutra. A commonality emerged.

Each of these readings has to do with who we are, with our origin, with our context. Our bodies are formings of this Surge of Creation. Ongoing formings, emerging even now. The Creator and Creation emerged from a no thing, a no when, a no where and immediately began displaying and using certain qualities: an ability to cut through, a radiance of light, an indestructibility. Diamond qualities.

This is where we find enlightenment (a deep knowing of who we are) says Red Pine. Not in the future but in our past. Way back there (which continues unfolding even now). Want to know who you are? Look deep. Deep calls unto deep.

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Recon - cilia - tion

"Cilia occur in large numbers on the surface of certain cells, either causing currents in the surrounding fluid, or, in some protozoans and other small organisms, providing propulsion." 

Recon - cilia - tion: Being the recon force (reconnaissance), the advanced scouts, for "causing currents" and "providing propulsion."

Night Revelation

The Tanakh (Hebrew Bible), the New Testament, and the Quran are to be regarded and understood as one Book. Only the inner dimensions of the heart (the heart mind) can do this.

Monday, July 11, 2016

the interflow of knowledge continues

Like Nicodemus I come to Jesus by night. The veil is thinnest between 3 and 4 a.m. Spiritual matters are revealed. Matters of soul and body, of life and death, of love and light, of the differences between open freedom and closed self-absorption, of what heaven is and what hell is. Revelation comes and my heart sings. I pray my heart not be crusted over by the glare of human day. I continue in understanding, thankful.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Scientific Spirituality

Scientific materialism has its feet chained to matter. Thus, its head cannot go very far. Scientific spirituality rejoices in the understandings of the Cosmos brought by ever-renewing comprehension of Its wonder. 

Ratio-nality brings the Cosmos into apprehension by the intellect. To go by ratio logic alone is irrational. Scientific spirituality uses ratio logic as a tool and is non-rational. Irrational clings to ratio logic as its salvation -- a mind standing in a human built system, a small structure in the vastness of infinity. 

The non-rational continues opening to the informing of Mystery. In-forming. "The kingdom of Heaven is within." As within, so without. As without, so within. Scientific spirituality allows and requires this interfow. Ratio logic takes its rightful place as description, not as a rigid structure through which one peers. 

The Mystery is ever-changing, ever-moving. Scientific spirituality moves with It. A merging occurs. One then brings Fire to the Earth. All the great scientists knew this and know this.

Friday, March 25, 2016


Note to Myself, 7:15 a.m., 3/25/16
Prayer is a flooding of the Cosmos
with one's energy being.
Thus we are praying all the time.
Purposeful prayer is directing energy
toward a desired end and new beginning.
Such prayer is given impetus and released
with "The Larger Will be done."

Notes to myself

Notes to myself, 4 a.m., 3/26/16
1. Interconnection. Every "thing" is connected with every other "thing." Thus there are no isolated "things." Each "thing" is a nodule in a web, in a net. (See Indra's Net)
2. Interflow. Information flows through this boundless web of being. (See photons and light) This network is self-aware, glowing with informational flow.
3. Info flow. Each human (and all other "things") is a nodule in this web and thus a port for info flow. The degree and type of capaciousness determines the quantity and quality of flow. Thus humans differ and individual humans (info ports) vary over time in how much info flows through and the quality of the info.
4. Flow richness. Quantity of info flow varies with the degree of capaciousness. Quality varies with the allowed and sought for info. Quality and quantity fluctuate through focus and openness. Focus is related to attention; openness to awareness.

Friday, March 11, 2016

this experience of joy

I, a yogin, realized the unity

of the guru, my own mind, and the Buddha.
I have no need of superficial devotion.
In noneffort, I, the yogin, am happy.
This happy yogin experiences joy.
This experience of joy is the guru's kindness.
--Jigten Sumgon (1143 - 1217)