Saturday, March 16, 2019

this sense of inflated self-importance

A tribe is a group of people of common characteristics and sense of belonging. A tribe recounts its own history. If histories of all other tribes are regarded as of no account, as simply precursors to, or inferior to, then a tribe is racist. The tribe believes it belongs to the only history that matters. Yet the tribe has proven itself inferior in that it does not regard metahistory. Its vision is not large enough to view the whole. Its view is through a knot hole (a not whole). 
A balloon inflated enough always bursts.
What is the answer? "Honor your father and mother" but also honor all your kin, all your relations. And ALL EXISTING IN THE COSMOS is your kin. Big tribe, Bubbas and Bubbettes!

Friday, July 22, 2016

The Highest Calling

The Highest Calling. What does this mean, the highest calling? It means the highest is calling. Rising to a view above the fray. Not settling in the mouth or the genital f you or the fist. Opening to the highest. The highest is a streaming of energies circulating from the crown down through the intellect, through the heart, through the feet to the earth and back up again. This is our spiritual body, our energy body. The highest is calling, needed now more than ever. Inclusive, open, undaunted.

Monday, July 18, 2016


This morning I read from the first chapter of Genesis in both the Chumash (and its commentary) and in the King James translation of the Bible, from the opening lines of the Quran (and its commentary), and from Red Pine's introduction to his translation of the Diamond Sutra. A commonality emerged.

Each of these readings has to do with who we are, with our origin, with our context. Our bodies are formings of this Surge of Creation. Ongoing formings, emerging even now. The Creator and Creation emerged from a no thing, a no when, a no where and immediately began displaying and using certain qualities: an ability to cut through, a radiance of light, an indestructibility. Diamond qualities.

This is where we find enlightenment (a deep knowing of who we are) says Red Pine. Not in the future but in our past. Way back there (which continues unfolding even now). Want to know who you are? Look deep. Deep calls unto deep.

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Recon - cilia - tion

"Cilia occur in large numbers on the surface of certain cells, either causing currents in the surrounding fluid, or, in some protozoans and other small organisms, providing propulsion." 

Recon - cilia - tion: Being the recon force (reconnaissance), the advanced scouts, for "causing currents" and "providing propulsion."

Night Revelation

The Tanakh (Hebrew Bible), the New Testament, and the Quran are to be regarded and understood as one Book. Only the inner dimensions of the heart (the heart mind) can do this.

Monday, July 11, 2016

the interflow of knowledge continues

Like Nicodemus I come to Jesus by night. The veil is thinnest between 3 and 4 a.m. Spiritual matters are revealed. Matters of soul and body, of life and death, of love and light, of the differences between open freedom and closed self-absorption, of what heaven is and what hell is. Revelation comes and my heart sings. I pray my heart not be crusted over by the glare of human day. I continue in understanding, thankful.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Scientific Spirituality

Scientific materialism has its feet chained to matter. Thus, its head cannot go very far. Scientific spirituality rejoices in the understandings of the Cosmos brought by ever-renewing comprehension of Its wonder. 

Ratio-nality brings the Cosmos into apprehension by the intellect. To go by ratio logic alone is irrational. Scientific spirituality uses ratio logic as a tool and is non-rational. Irrational clings to ratio logic as its salvation -- a mind standing in a human built system, a small structure in the vastness of infinity. 

The non-rational continues opening to the informing of Mystery. In-forming. "The kingdom of Heaven is within." As within, so without. As without, so within. Scientific spirituality allows and requires this interfow. Ratio logic takes its rightful place as description, not as a rigid structure through which one peers. 

The Mystery is ever-changing, ever-moving. Scientific spirituality moves with It. A merging occurs. One then brings Fire to the Earth. All the great scientists knew this and know this.

Friday, March 25, 2016


Note to Myself, 7:15 a.m., 3/25/16
Prayer is a flooding of the Cosmos
with one's energy being.
Thus we are praying all the time.
Purposeful prayer is directing energy
toward a desired end and new beginning.
Such prayer is given impetus and released
with "The Larger Will be done."

Notes to myself

Notes to myself, 4 a.m., 3/26/16
1. Interconnection. Every "thing" is connected with every other "thing." Thus there are no isolated "things." Each "thing" is a nodule in a web, in a net. (See Indra's Net)
2. Interflow. Information flows through this boundless web of being. (See photons and light) This network is self-aware, glowing with informational flow.
3. Info flow. Each human (and all other "things") is a nodule in this web and thus a port for info flow. The degree and type of capaciousness determines the quantity and quality of flow. Thus humans differ and individual humans (info ports) vary over time in how much info flows through and the quality of the info.
4. Flow richness. Quantity of info flow varies with the degree of capaciousness. Quality varies with the allowed and sought for info. Quality and quantity fluctuate through focus and openness. Focus is related to attention; openness to awareness.

Friday, March 11, 2016

this experience of joy

I, a yogin, realized the unity

of the guru, my own mind, and the Buddha.
I have no need of superficial devotion.
In noneffort, I, the yogin, am happy.
This happy yogin experiences joy.
This experience of joy is the guru's kindness.
--Jigten Sumgon (1143 - 1217)

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

why the cross

Why the cross? So none of us could say (which we most assuredly would; we love our wiggle room), Yeah you may have assumed human form but you never had it as bad as I do.


Note to self: Consider the Human, the Cosmos, the Wellspring / Source. Put each of them at a point on a Triangle. The Triangle circulates. These three forces continuously combine and unfold. This interflow produces, more accurately IS, this Dynamic Now continuously expanding. Reminds me of the Mazda engine.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

thy word

"Thy word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against thee." Psalm 119:11) What is the Word but the ongoing cosmogenetic flow from our Source that calls us into being with its continuous infusion? We hide it away from the noisy distractions of the human societal world and visit it there, at the core of our being, so that we may not be separated from it, so that we may be one with it, follow its guidance; for it is the very root, ground, and sun of our being. We water it with our attention, closeting ourselves away from all other attachments, inviting this word, this energetic flow, to guide us naturally and spontaneously from our core. The word, the heart, the "thee," all one.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015


The ego is the imaginary molecule on the outermost layer of the pointer finger (for some, the middle) of the vast body of the cosmos streaming back and out and through eternal infinity. This imaginary molecule, upon which Facebook and all of "society" builds its encampment, huffs and puffs, sweats and strains, demands satisfaction which arrives only for a nanosecond, producing more huff-puffery. On this, all war is based, war against self, war against other, war against earth. An imaginary molecule requiring and receiving total identification.

Sunday, April 12, 2015


Haha. You make up this little puppet and call it your self and parade and prance it around to the tune of your opinions so savagely collected to build your little puppet nest not daring the deep open wideness of no nest no nest at all.

Monday, April 6, 2015


Yesterday was crucifixion. 
Today is laying low in the grave. 
Tomorrow is rising up brand new, invigorated, transformed.

core truth

Core truth: I ex-ist. I ex (come out of) ist. I come out of is. I come out of Is every moment. I have moment-um. I am moment-um. Surrect: spring forth. I re-surrect, spring forth with moment-um. He is risen. She is risen. S/he springs forth each moment. New birth. Continuously.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015


One must be careful to not let one's mind be circumscribed, 
circumcised, by smaller minds. With that in place, love everyone.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

the cosmos to me since boyhood

The cosmos to me since boyhood is a Presence, a familiar Presence with a gazillion times more wisdom than this peculiar humanimal who is an embodying, an ongoing embodying of the Presence. I trust the Presence. It would be insane not to do so. How can one not love and trust one's Surrounds that gives one life and breath and warmth. Ah! The suffering: every one's distrustful fall back. I suffer, therefore I have the right to create more suffering. Pah! How petty! Life is suffering. That's because it is moving, darling! Can't have moving without friction and friction is suffering and life is friction. I suppose you want a KY Jelly existence. Keep you lubed so you never feel a thing. Get over it. If you wish to be alive, friction is part of the package. The whole creation moans and groans. When you listen closely, it is laughing and singing. Joy! Joy at the unfolding adventure of it all. Crump your grump into a lump and swallow it whole! Presence! We live amidst and are an embodying of this magnificent incalculable Presence, a Mystery never to be solved and the book slammed shut and us saying what's next. The cosmos to me since boyhood is Present, smiling and laughing and loving me so much it could eat me up. And does! And I taste good!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

ice trays

People like to take a stick and beat up on religions, 
understandably so, but the ice tray is not the water.

Monday, January 19, 2015

glove love

Denying our Source is like a glove denying the existence of the hand within it. The glove loves itself while all warmth that the glove feels comes from the hand within. The hand already loves the glove. When the glove loves the hand in turn, the two merge. Glove and hand laugh happily with no need for distinction. The Source is sourcing. 

Saturday, December 27, 2014


Hey! I understand human society quite well. Got that down. My attention is focused on awareness of our Source sourcing, of the Wellspring springing. Am continuing to learn that this Awareness is a bridge, an ever forming living bridge, between the awarer and the awared. Together it is an Awaring, a living dynamic ongoing energy exchange.

Friday, December 26, 2014

matter and spirit

The spirit-ists say only spirit exists. All else is illusion. The matter-ists (materialists) say only matter exists. All else is ill-ooze-yun. I say matter is dense spirit (life-force) that matter is the life-force condensing. The formless is forever forming, informing, reforming. Matter and spirit are only at odds in the congregations of those who love to choose sides and feel righteous and special. It's all an interflow. Even the side-choosers are coming and going, forming and informing, interflowing.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

no pre-tense

When we know, truly know, that we are the life force embodying, forming as this forming, we can let go of the pretense (pre-tense: getting tense ahead of time) of separation, knowing there is no life, there is no death, only continuous transformation.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

A Shimmering

I dreamed i saw the Center of the Universe. It was sometimes here, sometimes there, a shimmering. At times a sphere, at times a cube, assuming all form while remaining clear, transparent. On a flatbed trailer (two-wheeled). I stood gazing. Just outside its core. I knew if I fell in I would be eternally dissolving resolving forming and reforming. I kept my place, this space, It eternally producing who I Am.

Sunday, November 23, 2014


What I see at the core of Judaism, at the core of Christianity, at the core of Islam, at the core of Buddhism is a vision of the ongoing pulsing power and light of the Eternal, of the Mystery that brings all, that brings us all into being. Connection with this core, this Mystery which births us, which is closer than the imagination which imagines, than the deep intuition which intuits, is at the heart and the practices of all four. No need to bang heads with one another when our hearts are at the same place. Each has a channel leading to Love. Love is where Its at and Love is What It Is. Blessings on all paths with Love at their core.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

I see

Yes, I see. When I walk Flagstaff, sights leap into my camera. When I move to inner vision, which seems to me meta-external, I see behind me the beginning of space-time, the birthing of the comet of the Cosmos out of the Great Mystery that Meister Eckhart called the Godhead. I see the streaming of Now with its comet tail behind firing up out of the Origin. I see Now, the head of the comet of existence, blazing forward into infinity, opening into newness unknown yet fine, Mighty Fine.

Coherent Convergence

Much of the political structure of the world today appears to be run on the fuel of Incoherent Divergence, confused division. Each group, and I refer to not just America's political parties but to all such bastions of ideology in the world, has planted a flag in its turf and argues that its flag should be adopted by the entire world.

I am a fan of Coherent Convergence, clear unity. I believe, a la Teilhard de Chardin, that life forces are moving in that direction. Individuals and small groups can pout, fuss, stomp their feet, manipulate, coerce, rant all they wish but their efforts are like a person clinging to a toothpick as a life preserver in the midst of a slow-mo tsunami called Life Flow, Living Energy, the onrush from the Source, the Wellspring.

Life Flow is moving. We can see its direction. In all our disparities and hastily erected defenses against each other, we are being thrown together more and more. As has been said, the world is shrinking. Everyone is our neighbor. Flag turfers are strongly resisting the implications of this by wanting their flag to cover all turf or, equally as divisive, to build a fence around their turf and allow no "outsiders" in. The Great Wall of China is a tourist object and so will Incoherent Divergence be regarded in the unstoppably emerging future.

Coherent Convergence is where we are heading. Many of us are practicing it now. It is a way of delight, of arriving home. It is the path of Love.

Friday, November 7, 2014

The Special of the Day

The realm beyond the three dimensional world of the physical cannot be grasped by the mind. Why? Because the mind is a subset of It All. The It All is where and when (space and time) all barriers break down, dissolve. The barriers are created by human thought, by the desire of the human to be a force unto himself/herself. It is fine to be a force, but the force exists within a field, a force field. This field is the It All.

Some of us crank ourselves up to be the It All. Others of us go the opposite route, separate ourselves and look to work a deal with the It All. Many go on their way ignoring the existence of anything more than the three dimensional world, casting a blind eye to the It All.

When we go out of our little minds, all bounds dissolve. They are self-created anyway. Beyond ego and beyond world-sway, we open to unfathomable Reality. “Deep calls unto deep.” The It All dwells within us and we dwell within the It All. The heart is happy. The mind is sharp. Boundlessness is the Special of the Day.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Reifying the Construct

3d consciousness is a dream. In 3d consciousness, we reify the construct. Reify means to make real. A construct is each formative and forming body of energy that both thrusts itself upon us and that we create out of this ongoing flow.

Some of us value certain constructs, certain sets of constructs. Others of us value other constructs, other sets of constructs. Some constructs we may die for; others we may abandon easily. We continuously weave these constructs into a story: a story of who we are, where we are, and what is going on. We dare not let go of these. 3d consciousness fears it will fall into insanity. We dare not release our grasp. 

We view ourselves viewing the 3rd dimension. We try to snug back in, to re-become 3dimensional awareness, immersed in the realm of the physical senses. Yet we cannot stay. Once the baby is out of the bath, it wants new clothes. Or no clothes at all.

Once “saved,” always saved. 4d consciousness is now our home, our clothing, our nakedness. If we reflect upon it, we are caught once again in a hall of mirrors.

The trick is to live within this 3d realm without getting caught in it. To be “in the world, but not of the world.” We switch our identity, our loyalty. We align with the breath breathing us. We become diaphanous, transparent. We are Awareness awaring.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

3d and 4d Consciousness States

The consciousness state that is producing species suicide (including our own) is three-dimensional consciousness. 3d consciousness is the consciousness state of “doing business” -- moving stuff from here to there, converting stuff to money, “making” as much money as possible. 3d consciousness is the consciousness state of the past, stuck in a universe where parallel lines never meet and power OVER is the dominant mode of relationship.

Many of us continue to be in 3d consciousness. Those who see it for what it is know how to operate within the three dimensional but, through the very act of seeing it for what it is, inhabit the four dimensional realm. I say inhabit rather than operate because the 4d realm of consciousness is worn like a suit of clothes so form fitting that any distinction between the form and the fit vanishes. 

Four-dimensional consciousness “contains” an awareness of the interrelationship of all things. Parallel lines meet all the time. Power WITH is the natural order and is the only form of power that truly works.

Our species is in a transition phase on earth today. 3d consciousness is looking to hold its ground, hell bent on its suicidal mission. 4d consciousness continues to open and at an ever increasing rate. Our nation states continue to be governed by 3d consciousness. Pockets of 4d consciousness continue to pop up here and there amongst local governing bodies.

Evolutionary energies are being expressed, are unfolding as 4d consciousness. 3d consciousness is a dinosaur whose rule has proved unsustainable.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Jesus, Buddha, and Lao Tzu

My life focus is and has been on the consciousness structure of humans. In particular, I have been captivated by the consciousness structures of Jesus, of Buddha, and of Lao Tzu. Each of them broke out of the prevailing consciousness structure of their time into wider realms. Their compulsion and their willingness to go beyond the formative consciousness states of their peers, indeed the necessity for them to do so, calls to us today.

“Many are called but few are chosen.” What does this mean? It means that the Origin which calls us all into existence continues to evolve, to unfold but only does so only within the consciousness structure of those with the capacity, the capaciousness, the room for further understanding. And not only the room, but the drive and the desire. Jesus, Buddha, and Lao Tzu met all the requirements.

The consciousness structure that began opening through them and is opening today is integrity, integral consciousness. Those standing in their little foxy holes of belief, taking pot shots at each other, and even actively killing anyone in other foxy holes are evolutionary rejects, are the walking dead and do not know it.

Formative consciousness is the small vehicle developed by each human to putter through the existent societal world with the least harm to self as possible and hopefully the gaining of rewards. The existent societal world of today is based on three-dimensional consciousness long outmoded through the Einsteinian (and others) understanding of and opening to four-dimensional awareness.

Jesus, Buddha, and Lao Tzu had already moved there, the realm of integrity, of transparency. They jettisoned their three-dimensional formative vehicles, leaving them behind like dry husks, and opened to the living reality of a four- dimensional world. Spiritual Marines, they were ahead of their time, landed on the further shore and declared its existence here now. Such is our challenge. Such is our hope.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Isolated Protoplasmic Blobs

In this time of great change and potential evolutionary catastrophe, the way we see ourselves is of prime importance: the way we see ourselves as individuals, the way we see ourselves in our relation to all others on this planet, the way we see ourselves in relation to the Cosmos. The three of these together form our self-concept. Our self-concept, our formed belief as to who we are, affects our daily life as individuals and as planetary citizens.

One form of self concept is as an Isolated Protoplasmic Blob, an IPB, who has to look out for self above all, who constantly positions self as superior, inferior, or equal to other IPBs. Seeing oneself as an IPB requires a continuous judgmental stance, the judging of oneself and the judging of others. Judging is an arrogant and fearful process based upon a deep feeling of separation. In other words, a lack of love, of love for oneself and of love for others.

One element of love is compassion. When in our IPB mode, we have little or no compassion for ourselves (self-pity perhaps) and certainly not for all that we see as outside us. As Isolated Protoplasmic Blobs, we are out of love, self-exiled, stranglers in a strangled land. We have no power WITH, so we rush to get power OVER.

As IPBs, we seek salvation. We wish to save our sorry sorrowful selves. We do not know that this salvation is within us. We think it is OUT THERE somewhere. And it is, but it doesn’t reveal itself until we find it IN HERE and the in here and the out there become as one.