Saturday, December 27, 2014


Hey! I understand human society quite well. Got that down. My attention is focused on awareness of our Source sourcing, of the Wellspring springing. Am continuing to learn that this Awareness is a bridge, an ever forming living bridge, between the awarer and the awared. Together it is an Awaring, a living dynamic ongoing energy exchange.

Friday, December 26, 2014

matter and spirit

The spirit-ists say only spirit exists. All else is illusion. The matter-ists (materialists) say only matter exists. All else is ill-ooze-yun. I say matter is dense spirit (life-force) that matter is the life-force condensing. The formless is forever forming, informing, reforming. Matter and spirit are only at odds in the congregations of those who love to choose sides and feel righteous and special. It's all an interflow. Even the side-choosers are coming and going, forming and informing, interflowing.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

no pre-tense

When we know, truly know, that we are the life force embodying, forming as this forming, we can let go of the pretense (pre-tense: getting tense ahead of time) of separation, knowing there is no life, there is no death, only continuous transformation.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

A Shimmering

I dreamed i saw the Center of the Universe. It was sometimes here, sometimes there, a shimmering. At times a sphere, at times a cube, assuming all form while remaining clear, transparent. On a flatbed trailer (two-wheeled). I stood gazing. Just outside its core. I knew if I fell in I would be eternally dissolving resolving forming and reforming. I kept my place, this space, It eternally producing who I Am.