Scientific materialism has its feet chained to matter. Thus, its head cannot go very far. Scientific spirituality rejoices in the understandings of the Cosmos brought by ever-renewing comprehension of Its wonder.
Ratio-nality brings the Cosmos into apprehension by the intellect. To go by ratio logic alone is irrational. Scientific spirituality uses ratio logic as a tool and is non-rational. Irrational clings to ratio logic as its salvation -- a mind standing in a human built system, a small structure in the vastness of infinity.
The non-rational continues opening to the informing of Mystery. In-forming. "The kingdom of Heaven is within." As within, so without. As without, so within. Scientific spirituality allows and requires this interfow. Ratio logic takes its rightful place as description, not as a rigid structure through which one peers.
The Mystery is ever-changing, ever-moving. Scientific spirituality moves with It. A merging occurs. One then brings Fire to the Earth. All the great scientists knew this and know this.
Ratio-nality brings the Cosmos into apprehension by the intellect. To go by ratio logic alone is irrational. Scientific spirituality uses ratio logic as a tool and is non-rational. Irrational clings to ratio logic as its salvation -- a mind standing in a human built system, a small structure in the vastness of infinity.
The non-rational continues opening to the informing of Mystery. In-forming. "The kingdom of Heaven is within." As within, so without. As without, so within. Scientific spirituality allows and requires this interfow. Ratio logic takes its rightful place as description, not as a rigid structure through which one peers.
The Mystery is ever-changing, ever-moving. Scientific spirituality moves with It. A merging occurs. One then brings Fire to the Earth. All the great scientists knew this and know this.
Your distinction between "scientific materialism" and "scientific spirituality" is a good one, George. And if I'm understanding what you're saying about irrationality, it's the core to the beauty of scientific spirituality. You're ever so correct in that the great scientists have all understood exactly what you're describing here. You can find this sentiment certainly in Newton, Einstein, Bohr, Bohm, and Hawkings, just to name a few. Nicely put, George!